We provide advice on matters concerning the well-being and readiness of Service members, civilian employees and family members.We are neutral, unbiased fact finders who execute our duties based on four IG functions: teach and train assistance inspections and inquiries/investigations.The Inspector General (IG) functions as an extension of The Adjutant General’s eyes, ears, voice and conscience.To provide the Adjutant General a continuing assessment of the matters relating to the state of economy, efficiency, morale, esprit de corps and readiness of units and activities assigned to the Michigan National Guard. After all, problem solving is an Inspector General mission! “ Our Mission To complain without fear of reprisal is the right of any Soldier, Airman, civilian or family member seeking the help of the Inspector General. The Office of Equality Diversity & Inclusion.Joint Family Support Assistance Program.Service Member, Veteran and Family Assistance Center.Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention.